Colour your season

The drab dark days of December can get to you – except if you take charge. That is why we put up trees, and icicles – and that is also why you can use gels.

Like these Honl Photo gels, which I use on my speedlights all the time:

Fun with Gels

Red and green are the seasonal colours that can make a boring scene into an appropriately brightly coloured one.

Especially with the remote flash technique I metioned a couple of days ago:

Fun with Gels

So your assignment: today, go take a few pictures with a gelled flash – or preferably with two gelled flashes.

4 thoughts on “Colour your season

  1. OK.. dumb question but what exactly is a “Gelled Flash” and how to do you make it all work? I’m presuming a RF connection from your camera to some device it sits or is plugged into?

    • A flash covered at the front with a gel, a piece of coloured plastic (used to be gelatine, hence “gel”). This changes the colour of the light.

      As for off-camera flash: you can fire remote flashes using TTL light control (the camera flash “drives” other flashes), or a cable, or pocketwizards or similar radio transmitters.

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