From Prudes to Nudes?

Since I no longer work for Henry’s School of Imaging (see Peter West’s take on it), I shall now concentrate on marketing my own coaching and training. I look forward to teaching many of you in a private, independent, no-hardware-sales environment. I wrote Henry’s “Travel Photography”, “Outdoor Flash”, and various other workshops, but over the years I have also written, and constantly update, all my own courses, with my own materials: see for offerings. Private coaching, or coaching in small groups, is very efficient. Just a few hours stand between you and majorly  better photos!

Appropriately, since my end at Henry’s was precipitated by a person objecting to a picture of me nude: Kristof B and I are organizing our the art of photographing nudes workshop on June 17. Nude is not lewd: we shall teach you to shoot Art Nudes. Sign up by clicking on the link: space is limited.

On to the rest of my day. Have a great day, everyone!


3 thoughts on “From Prudes to Nudes?

  1. Michael, I am so sorry and sad to hear about your departure from the class as our teacher. It’s unfortunate that this was taken to such an extreme, as I really enjoyed learning from you and could easily understand and relate to your teaching methods. Thank you for your knowledge and more importantly for taking that time to share your knowledge about photography with me. In only 3 short weeks I have learned a great deal about the true ART of photography. I will be following you site! Thank you again!

    • Thanks, Jackie. Give my regards to the other students: I’m sorry you will be the victim of a business disagreement. I would have been entirely happy to finish your course rather than make you suffer through a change of instructor half way. Keep in touch!

  2. Wow. I dont know what shocks me more – that someone complained or that the store listened. Im sad that the combination of stupidity and prudery that I thought existed only in parts of America seems to have spread north.

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