I’ve checked out your web site and look forward to going through all the material there in the days to come. Better than Strobist.com! (Daren L., March 2011)
I believe that social media are all about sharing. This is my endeavour in this regard: my daily teaching blog, where I share all I know in a way that actually helps people. From beginners to pros, you will learn about photography here. It is not complicated – it’s just the engineers making it seem so!
Why “speedlighter”? As you know, a small flash is called a speedlight. Because they are fast to use. And I specialize in speedlighting: I teach lighting seminars all over. I teach pros as well as beginners how to use flash technically and creatively. I will help you know the exact differences between Nikon’s CLS/iTTL and Canon’s e-TTL. I love small modifiers like the Honl Photo gels, grids, softbox, reflectors etc.
Photography is about composition/subject, moment and light. While I talk about all three, I particularly like to help people understand light, and how small flashes can help produce professional photography quickly and easily, without lots of heavy equipment.
So I post here daily. Every day of the year.
Come back every day, or better, subscribe! And do please share your opinions: please comment. And ask, if you have questions.
After I approve your first comment (to keep out the spammers), you will be permanently approved as a poster.
And if you want to be kept up-to-date with developments (e.g. my new photography book, out this year), please email me at michael@michaelwillems.ca
I am committed to helping you learn photography. One of the main ways I do this is my daily teaching blog. I write a new post at least once a day – aimed at quickly and easily teaching you the professional techniques that will make your pictures stand out.
My blog is, and will always remain, free of charge. But if you feel like helping: you can help me meet the daily cost. And you can tell all your friends about this blog. And you can link to it, and link to the posts. I appreciate it all!)