Upcoming workshop

There will be many lighting tips during the next Advanced Flash workshop in Mono (just north of Toronto) on 20 November.

Joseph Marranca and I will take students through a thorough overview, and then detail, of all types of flash (this is the same workshop I taught recently in Las Vegas and Phoenix); then practice, and then the best part: with a professional model, we create and make portfolio shots together, using all the techniques we have learned.

Shots like this:

Cherry and Tara Elizabeth

Cherry and Tara Elizabeth

Cherry, the horse, was old, and he recently passed away: this was the last photo taken of him.

It was lit by a battery-operated studio flash with a softbox on our right, and one bare flash (a speedlight) on our left (slightly behind the horse). Can you see how this adds some rim light to his face and legs, and hence gives them shape and offsets them from what is behind? This can be very important for well-lit portraits.

If you are interested in learning more, sign up: there are still a few places left. But hurry: we limit attendance to a maximum of ten students, which with two instructors is a great ratio.

And those of you who cannot come: sign up for a starter course at Henry’s (ask me when I am teaching what!), and of course this blog will contain daily tips, many of which I take from my workshop practice. Photography is one great adventure, and one I hope you will pursue to make ever more beautiful images.

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