Today, I have a quick starting point for food photography for you.
- Lighting: small speedlights are good.
- Use one umbrella on top, and one gridded light from behind to add accent (and to light the steam. If there is steam, try to use a dark background)
- You may want to shoot from a low angle.
- Blur out backgrounds.
- These backgrounds can contain a cup or glass, cutlery, etc.
- Prepare the food: If you have no food stylist, you are it. Every detail counts. Make it look great. Add some “green stuff”. Use a brush with oil to make surfaces shiny and yummy.
And do not forget to eat the food, afterward.
(Although you would be surprised how many food shoots use fake food. Ouch!)
One more, for good measure (I shot these for West of the City magazine early this year).
Michael hallo,
A reaction from the Netherlands again.
Do you use here the TTL on your flash and camera on manuel?
if manuel yes: 1/125sec 8.0 and 400 iso?
greetings Guus
Guus: exactly. Camera on manual, and 1/125th at f/8 – but at 100 ISO. And indeed, flashes on TTL.
Why 100 ISO? Because I do not need ambient light.
As Photographers you look forward to samples afterwards, fake food thats just wrong. lol
Thanks for the food photography tips.