Black and White, as I mentioned yesterday, can also, as an additional benefit, come to the rescue when an image is not very good. Like in this image of Tara, where the flash failed to fire (my 580 EX II malfunctioned).
So since it is RAW, I can convert to black and white, push it – wait for it – a full 3.5 stops (!), remove noise, crop, then add some film grain – and hey presto, a usable image:
So when you have a not-very-good image, try to convert to black and white, and see what you get.
Chances are, a very usable image.
The lesson: do not throw away “bad images. Shoot RAW. And convert to B&W when all else fails.
Hello Michael,
Many times you talk about saving images, converting to B/W and add noise. where in Lightroom can you add noise/grain?