Points of view

Just to show how much a few seconds and  shift in viewpoint can change your photo, look at these images:

Aircraft landing, Sint Maarten (Photo: Michael Willems)

Aircraft landing, Sint Maarten (Photo: Michael Willems)

Aircraft landing, Sint Maarten (Photo: Michael Willems)

Most people would assume that…

  • The larger the aircraft, the more impressive
  • The less perspective distortion, the better

I am not sure I agree with that.  The top picture is a favourite, even though the aircraft is tiny. And while aircraft spotter sites insist on “straight” images, I much prefer the drama a wide lens gives you (bottom images).

This is not to say that I am right. What I mean is: cameras, and lenses, are powerful creative tools, and you should think about how you use them; try to use them in different ways; be creative; experiment, and follow your intuition.


One thought on “Points of view

  1. The first one is a seascape that happens to have a plane in it. The plane could be any twin engine commercial jet. The other two are photos of a plane, although you are a little too close to it in the second picture.

    It is amazing how much different photos can look by just changing lenses and turning around.

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