The art of implying

Among  many other types of photography, I shoot art nudes. And when shooting nudes, to make them interesting, a few things need to happen.

First, try to tell a story. Or rather, try to make the viewer discern a story. That makes  an image much more interesting. “What’s going on here” makes the viewer do some work.

Second, make them civilized. There is a huge difference between art nudes and sexy nudes, or porn. It’s not about the bits.

Third, try black and white – so much more interesting, since nothing distracts from your subject.

Like in this image, taken last week:

Two news items:

1. Colleague Kristof and I are doing a workshop 17 June: The Art of Photographing  Nudes. Click here! There is space – sign up now if you are interested.

2. Exhibit coming: 22 June to 8 July: “Never Not Naked: Natural Nudes”, at Bare Oaks Naturist Resort near Newmarket, Ontario. Come see the art … and be naked while you see it!


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