My Canon Pixma 9500Pro printer is suddenly printing too dark at the top. Fortunately, I have made all my exhibit prints, so I’ll look at it after the exhibit’s first weekend. First a thorough cleaning then we’ll see from there.
One intriguing issue I had to solve, though, is this, and I thought I would share it. When using Canon art papers, Canon insists on a 3.5cm margin around all edges. Fine, I know that and I have set up my Lightroom printer parameters accordingly.
Suddenly, though, the settings no longer worked, and every print failed with a warning to use a driver with a 3.5 cm margin. I tried everything I could, but it kept saying that – and the margin setting in the Lightroom setups had not changed since – forever.
Guess what? It took a bit of doing but I solved. that one. The margin used to be set as 1.38inches in Lightroom. But either the Mac OS, or the printer driver, or Lightroom 4, now translates 1.38 in as just below 3.5cm! Once I changed the margins to 1.39in, it all worked.
The moral of this story: don’t give up, try all sorts of things when you are having an issue. Be creative and eventually you will hit on the one that gives results. I mean.. who would have thought that a rounding difference would cause issues?
Do you get automatic driver updates or operating system patches?
Yes. And Lightroom also upgraded. So it could be any of those.