And now…. these important messages from… me.
Since this is a free teaching blog, I feel justified in occasionally pointing out how you can hire me. That’s the price you pay (that, and tell all your friends to follow this blog too).
So. If you want to interact with me to learn in person, or to hire me to shoot, here’s how you can do it.
- Do private coaching with me. September and October dates available.
- If you are in the Toronto area, come join me at The Distillery, where I am doing my exhibit. This week only: two hours coaching right there in The Distillery for a reduced price of $150 (normally $190).
- If you are in The Netherlands, come see me at my seminar there on September 1st – sign up now, there is space!
- Come to the Niagara School of Imaging starting Sunday – there is still space.
- Join me at my series of Seminars at Vistek Mississauga: Sep/Oct/Nov dates about to be published soon.
- Sign up at Sheridan College for one of my 12-week courses there.
- Buy my book – “Camera Cookbook” eBook will be out very soon, final edit is now being done. It will be for sale right here.
- Hire me to shoot your engagement, family shoots, or wedding – see Because Kristof B and I just set up this endeavour, we have dates available even in the next few months!
- Hire me to do headshots, events, or corporate photography: see
- You can buy my artwork. At my current exhibit until early September – see – or direct from me, see here.
Now copy all that, and continue reading the blog. You have read older posts as well, yes? It’s all very useful!
And now, back to regular programming!
Hi Michael…You teach at Sheridan? Interesting. In Oakville? Whice one(s) do you teach there? I’ve been contemplating taking a few “structured” courses…I took one (well…sort of structured) offered by the City Of Mississauga last fall…it was very “beginner”, but interesting nonetheless. Might decide to go for a continuing education certificate (not that it means that much…but then when my friends say I’m “certifiable”, they’d actually be right)…and have been looking at Sheridan and George Brown, etc (if anyone has any opinions of either/both, I’d love to hear them). Both have their pluses and minuses…MVW as an instructor would definitely be a plus.
By the way, my assignment from last Saturday’s course will be sent to you very soon. Have the picutres…just have to assemble them into the montage.
Yes: Oakville (Photography business course) and Brampton (Basic Digital Photography course) campuses.
Sure ting… give me a call or drop me a line!!