Macro pictures need a little TLC. This long-lens picture from Sunday’s photo walk: just a little cropped, but otherwise as shot. Student Jackie found the bumblebee: for bugs you need to either be serendipitous or be patient. And you need to observe well. Jackie did both, and I took the picture too:

Now with some TLC:

Look at them full sized and you will see many small blemishes and imperfections – yes, flowers have them too – and in picture 2 you will see I have removed them. I also brightened it a little. See the difference?

And then here it is with a little frame around the image:

You will notice also that the picture is simple. Simplifying your pictures is the single most important way to make them more “professional”. That, and using the Rule of Thirds: the insect is not where Uncle Fred would put it (that would be in the centre).


One thought on “TLC

  1. I think this was one of the best pics from that day! It was such a pleasure to slow down and just watch the world for a change.

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