Lightroom 6 is out, and you need it. The End.
OK, not quite the end, but Adobe Lightroom 6 is an amazing workflow and editing tool, and no, you do not need to do the edits in Photoshop: you do almost all of them in Lightroom, as I do. Read yesterday’s post about some of the new features, and there’s a lot more. More description soon.
But how to learn it? It may be great and earth-shattering and all that, but most of us do not just intuitively learn a complicated app simply by playing with it.
Learn Lightroom Remotely:
Well: now there is a better way: I can teach you remotely. Using Google Hangouts, I can show you, and we can set up your workflow, edit photos, create cool presets: while we use the computer together. You see me; I see you; you hear me, I hear you; and we see each other’s desktops.mIt really is almost as good as being in the same room together. Whether you are next door, or in Australia (literally).
This method works so well that I have also started teaching video editing the same way. For my usual teaching rate I teach you individually. All you need is a reliable Internet connection, and preferably a computer with a built-in camera, speaker and microphone.
You see what I do, or I see what you do, while we talk and see each other as though we were in the same room. You will be amazed at how much more quickly you learn with this method.
Video Editing:
I also teach video and how to create video with a digital SLR. Here’s my desktop an hour ago, as I am creating a video export, combining video, audio, pictures, text, and royalty-free music, with a client:
This, too, lends itself very well to teaching remotely using Hangouts.
Pick up your phone and give me a call and from Lightroom to Video to Flash, I will teach you how it all works. This, too, comes with my usual Full Happiness Guarantee: If you are not delighted, money back. It’s never happened, but if it does, I will honour my promise!
Finally: The Pro Checklist Book! IT WILL BE MADE.
Whether the Kickstarter campaign is successful or not (and you have about 12 hours left, if that) – the printed version of the new “Pro Checklists” book WILL be made. So in the last minutes, please go to Kickstarter (link HERE) now and support this print production, and at the same time benefit from interesting and fun rewards.
If the campaign fails to reach target, I will contact you individually, and I will honour the campaign promise, because come what may, this checklist/best practices book of charts and one-pagers will be made. Print quotes are rolling in as we speak!
Back to work, for me. No rest for the wicked, as they say. —Michael