Canada’s silver dollar used to carry the “Voyageur” design on the obverse side. This year, a special 150 year anniversary edition, with the same design in the centre:
The original looked like this:
Those are simple iPhone shots. But proper shots of coins are taken with a macro (or as Nikon calls it, a Micro) lens, i.e. a close up lens.
And once I do that, I see something amusing. Look at the native person in the front of the canoe.
In the original, he is traveling nude:
In the re-issued coin, he is wearing a loincloth!
I can just imagine the meetings that must have happened on this subject at the Royal Mint of Canada. Though I do wonder about the political correctness aspect: why is nudity so bad?
In any case: it is only the macro lens, in my case the 100mm f/2.8, that allowed us to see this design change. Who knew?
How much of tax payers money was wasted on art changes that no one can see and probably without the permission of the artist? Should be a national story.