I went down to my local Henry’s store in Oakville yesterday (OK, I was teaching there) and bought a new Canon 7D.
This adds to my 1D MkIII and 1Ds Mk III. While it is not full frame, it does have an all-new focus system and it can drive speedlites from its pop-up flash. And it does high-def 29.97/25/24fps video. Reasons enough to add one!
It is now sitting next to me in Waterloo, Ontario with a 35mm f/1.4L lens on it – that makes it a fifty,of course, since 35 x 1.6 = 50, and you know how I feel about the “nifty fifty” (search for it on this blog if you don’t yet).
So far the 7D is looking good: I shall do a full review in the next few weeks.
Nice! Make sure you bring it when we get together, would love to see it.
And of course I shall.
Uh oh. This is useless: see post here – Lightroom will not handle the 7D’s images. Uttely useless, and whether Canon or Adobe dropped the ball, until they fix it, my 7D is essentially a brick.
Not even the JPGs? Doesn’t it support the same Picture Styles as other Canons?
Surely you can use Canon’s Digital Photo Professional in the mean time? Isn’t it included with the camera? That must have been updated for the 7D.
Oh yes, I can shoot JPG or I can shoot RAW and forst convert them to TIFF using DPP. Problem is that takes time – a LOT of time – for each shoot, amd makes every image thre times the already gargantuan size…
…and I mean a OT of time. Remember, I come home with 100 pictures every day… this is not a holiday-only camera 🙂
I understand. I’ve adapted my workflow to insert shower / tea breaks in times when it is best to let Lightroom do its stuff undisturbed.