Regrets, I've had a few…

…but then again, too few to mention. Except one, at the show: namely, that I don’t get to see the actual exhibition. I’m always presenting!

Michael Willems presenting, shot by Ray of RPW Photo

That said: I love the work.What could be better than educating thousands of people in a hobby (or profession) that is exciting, creative, fun, and extremely rewarding in almost every sense?

Those of you new to the blog: a few important tips.

  • Sign up for emails (on the right) so that you get an email every time I post. I write at least one learning post every day.
  • Search, using the search field
  • Go back – this blog is almost like a book: a post of a year ago is still entirely valid today!
  • Use the category cloud to search for key words.
  • Ask me questions – I’ll answer them on the blog!

And above all.. go shoot some nice pictures.. shoot a lot. And never stop learning.

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