In the series of “and yet another composition tip today”, I would like to talk for a moment about framing.
We do this often. Why? Why do we frame subjects?
In photos, we do it just like we do on walls, because it emphasizes, in other words draws attention to, your subject; makes it stand out. It’s just one of those things we seem to find visually pleasing.
And you can frame in many ways. For example, use your car (and yes, to light up the inside, I used a speedlight here, bounced off my hand):
Or perhaps use an opening in a brick wall, as I did here in London:
Or use buildings:
Use anything you like. The point is, when a frame presents itself, consider whether it might be the way that for this particular photo you want to draw attention to your subject. Is this frame relevant? Will it add to the story? If so, give it a go.