Macro fun

Winter is approaching here in Canada. Yes, soon.

So this winter, take some macro shots. Macro (or close-up) photography is fun because you can engage in it all winter. In your own home. Even a $20 note can look interesting.

To do macro shots you need either a point-and-shoot with a mini tripod, or better, an SLR with a macro lens (a “micro” lens, says Nikon), a tripod, and perhaps wire release. Use manual focus, perhaps in Live View. Avoid wind – that is why inside is good. You may need to shoot at f/16 to f/22 or even beyond if you want depth of field.

And then see what you can come up with. Any object takes on a life of its own when viewed close-up: worlds we never normally see!

(And yes, you can use macro “filters” on top of normal lenses – much cheaper than a lens, but interior quality.)


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