Sometimes you are faced with a situation that would be easy to solve with a flash.
Like this church, in which I co-shot a wedding on Saturday:
You can see why the situation needs flash. Without it, I am stuck: I expose for the church, and the stained glass pretty much disappears, as you see above.
Or I expose for the glass:
Yeah, the glass is back. But now I lose the church.
OK, flash then. Simple! (If you have done my courses and bought my books.)
But Wait.
It is a Roman Catholic church, and that church is used to an authoritarian top-down command structure, and in this particular case that works against us. Because the photography rules (and there’s a full page of them) say:
“No Flash”.
Now I am stuck. As my colleague George quite rightly says: “we are here for the people” (and you can imagine him shrug). Right he is.
But hang on. There are still tricks we can use.
One: use the built-in HDR mode in your camera, if it has is. Some high-end cameras do, and my 5D Mk3 is one of those.
Select it and press. The camera now takes three pictures (my choice), two stops apart from each other (my choice), and crunches a few seconds, while it combines them into a JPG file:
Now, the bright and dark areas are no longer 12 stops apart.
And that was the problem: the difference between bright and dark was simply too great for a camera to handle in one image. Select HDR (which you all know stands for “High Dynamic Range”—right?) and hold the shutter down until it has done three shots (or more, if you prefer).
And then you can work the image a little more in Lightroom, if you like. Problem solved. There’s always a solution.
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