Back with you…!

It has been very busy at the store (, so as you will have seen, little time to post. And yet, the need to learn does not decrease, so I will post regularly again.

Yesterday, we posted a composite photo of Maya, our intern, to support Pride Month:

To make this image, we did the following:

  • Take six photos, using simple lighting, with different props, taking care that the composition was mainly vertical (i.e. not wide).
  • In each photo, use a background flash gelled to the right colour – or almost the right colour. I use Honl Photo gels.
  • Take the photos to the computer and crop them to the same vertical aspect ratio and subject size.
  • In Lightroom, for each image select subject – invert selection – and then slightly tune the background colour if necessary, to make it the right primary colour (half of them needed slight adjustment to look right).
  • Export each one, 2048 pixels high
  • Put them together in a composite Pages document
  • Export from there (either Pages –> PDF — JPG, or screen grab)

And that’s how that is done!

And here’s the resulting TikTok:


At Michael Willems Photo, we support all sexualities and identities, Happy Pride Month! #fyp #pridemonth #photography #photo #ottawa #placedorleans #shop

♬ –

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