In preparation for an upcoming two-day Country Photography Workshop I am organizing with a colleague on 3+4 April (ask me about it!), I took a few snaps in the snow yesterday with the 1D Mark IV. Interestingly, it meters more accurately than the 1D Mark III: I needed less exposure compensation since even evaluative metering was biased more towards the selected focus point. (This is odd since focus-point tied spot metering works less often).
Can you tell I like wide angles?
Snow tips:
- Set exposure carefully for most images, emphasizing background saturation. Use a grey card or spot meter off treees, or off the sky, and adjust starting from that.
- Bring a spare battery.
- Careful bringing the camera into the house afterward: use a plastic bag.
- Meter carefully and use the “highlights” view and the histogram to ensure you are not blowing out the snow – but you are getting close.
- Use flash to light up close objects (see how I did it?)
- High-speed flash is needed if the time exceeds 1/250th – it can be left on since the camera will only use it when needed – but it will cut effective flash power by at least 50%.
- It is very hard to see your images: bring a Hoodman Hood Loupe and let your eyes acclimatise.
One more snap and it’s back to the order of the day:
Again, flash and careful exposure gives it that nice saturated look.
hi michael, any reason about bringing the camera back into the house carefully…and with a plastic bag?
Certainly. If you do not, when you bring a camera into a warmer environment it will fog up. Which is a bad thing! (Same thing in the tropics when you go outside!).