Opportunity Knocks

Opportunity abounds this season – in many ways!

You can have me teach you – at Vistek Mississauga, at Sheridan College, and in the form of workshops (A Toronto Photo Club tonight; Las Vegas in November) or of private or small group coaching, which is usually the best way to quickly tie all the loose ends together and fill the gaps. Contact me if you are interested before the holidays!

You can have portraits made – family portraits are on special until December, so that you can have anything from a quick portrait to an extensive session done at a special rate, to use over the holidays.

And you can go shoot! This season is great, because it offers challenges. Dreary days. Bad light (if like me you are in the Northern Hemisphere). Food. Parties. Macro Studio. Effects.  Lights. Let your imagination run wild and learn some technique to capture this season. There’s so much to shoot!

And to prove my point I just walked outside and took a few snaps outside my front door (and yes it is cold and rainy): 50mm lens, 400 ISO, 1/125th sec, f/5.6:

In the next weeks I will expand on some of these possibilities. Meanwhile.. have fun.


One thought on “Opportunity Knocks

  1. Michael – have you perhaps thought of scheduling a group photo walk instead of an in-class? I would be interested in this idea…just a thought.

    Thanks for the daily blog…read it everyday.

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