Shoot it all.

One piece of advice to you photographers out there: shoot everything. As do I: from news to portraits to industry to birds. So sometimes I go out with a friend for a few hours, as I did last night. Here’s a few of the results, from Hamilton, Ontario. An industrial city (“Steeltown”), and more; I go out opt my way to shoot that industry. Why on earth? Surely there’s no beauty there?

Well, I think there can be. Especially if you choose the moment right; in this case, around sunset. Here are a few samples:

For these, I needed to be quick. Back focus (no time even to change to AI Servo) and quick reactions meant most were good:

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For these, I had to wait until ambient light was almost gone:


This is out of focus deliberately:


MV Floretgracht (and you are Dutch if you can pronounce that):


And a few more samples:


Layer cake?


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I do not often shoot these things–which makes it important to every now and then do just that. Do the same: go shoot something you rarely shoot!



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