Welcome, TWIP (This Week In Photo) listeners. Scroll down, read, check out the ebooks, search, and ask questions. Welcome to the “go-to” instructional photography blog!
Want to hear me, in the episode I just co-hosted? Go to http://thisweekinphoto.com/twip-406-i-villain-i-photographer/ to listen to episode 406.
- For the grids I love, go to www.honlphoto.com/?Click=2032
- For other buying recommendations see www.speedlighter.ca/articles/buying-stuff.(*)
- For articles see www.speedlighter.ca/articles/
- And for the rest, use the search field top right on this page.
- Not least: for the books, see www.michaelwillems.ca/e-Books.html
Enjoy speedlighter.ca and above all, enjoy your photography with the new skills I can teach you. Especially, flash skills. I use small flashes everywhere. Like in this corporate board photo of earliuer this week: see the two gelled flashes to add some excitement?