I have a reminder for you of how to expose for snow.
Snow and sand (yes, beaches to a camera look just like snowscapes) are brighter than your average scene.
So to get them to look natural, i.e. to get them to look bright, you need to tell the camera it is looking at a bright scene.
Unless you do this, the scene will look dark. The camera, by virtue of its reflective light meter technology, tries to make everything look mid-grey (we call this “18% grey”). Like this:
Not bad. But unless you want the dark look for effect, it’s not good either; it was brighter than that outside my second home, the other day.
With +1 stop exposure compensation (that’s the plus/minus button), it looks like this:
And that is better. Your guideline:
- Snow should look white, not grey.
- The histogram should have a peak (the snow) on the very right, just before the end of the graph.
So use Exposure Compensation, have fun, and dress warmly.
Or if your thing is a beach, don’t dress at all.